Sunday, April 13, 2014

Starting Over

I've had this blog for a few years. I used to update it regularly. Then I got busy, and I started working on other projects. I changed jobs. I moved. I got a dog. I had a tumultuous relationship. I made new friends. I lost some old ones. I gained weight.

Back in December of 2013, I came back to this blog and thought, OK, I'll start it again. For some reason, I deleted all of my old posts. I really wish I hadn't done that.

Anyway, I got distracted again and now it's four months later. I follow lots of blogs, many about plus-size fashion, lots about getting fit, and some that are just plain entertaining. I realized that I have just as much to say as the ladies (and a couple gents) that I read about each week.

So here I go again.